Rate of Graphic Design*
- Logo/icon: Tk. 80,000
- Poster: Tk. 8000.00
- Brochure: Tk.8500
- Leaflet/flyer: Tk.5000
- Booklet/Guideline: Tk.1000/page
- Annual Report: Tk.40000
- Calendar- Tk. 20000
- Book cover: Tk. 8000
- Press advertisement: Tk. 10,000
- Billboard: 15000

*the rates may vary depending on the size, extent and number of the materials

Rate of Script Development/content Development
- TVC/ Documentary script: Tk. 20000
- Street drama: Tk. 15000
- Drama series: Tk. 10,000/episode
- Infographics: Tk. 5000
- Digital content: Tk. 5000

Word Compose & Page Make up:
- Running text: Tk. 60 (per page)
- Running text with table/source/symbols: Tk. 70 (per page)
- Composing and page make-up with design in AI format: Tk. 90 (per page)